Apache Camel 3.x Upgrade Guide

This document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application from Camel 3.x to 3.y. For example if you are upgrading Camel 3.0 to 3.2, then you should follow the guides from both 3.0 to 3.1 and 3.1 to 3.2.

Upgrading Camel 3.21 to 3.22

No changes expected.

Upgrading Camel 3.22.x to 3.22.3


The readLock=changed with using readLockMinAge has been restored to same behaviour as previously in 3.x.

For example using readLockMinAge=5s would pickup files that are older than 5 seconds from startup time. If you have many existing files on startup that are old, then Camel will now again be fast, and pickup these files immediately.